
The Private Surgeon is a surgical company based in Aberdeen. Most of our work is with bariatric or weight-loss surgery and reflux surgery. We think we are a small and perfectly formed group who listen to your needs and give you as much help to feel better as possible.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Weight loss with a Gastric Balloon, what is it?

In the first of a series, we're looking at all types of weight loss surgery.  The first is the Gastric Balloon.  Sounds odd doesn't it?

Before we show you how it works, here's the science.  When your stomach starts to get full with food or drink, it sends messages to the brain to STOP EATING!  

This doesn't always work, but for most people it does.  So the boffins thought, why don't we partially fill the stomach with something else, so that people feel fuller sooner?

And so the gastric balloon was born.

There are a number of different types and the newest kid on the block, Obalon, is almost as simple as swallowing a pill.  They all work the same way though.

The great thing about gastric balloons is that it's all done through your mouth, so there is no real surgery (and no scarring either).  You can probably expect between 5-15% weight loss, which is quite a lot.  So if you weigh 200lb, you may lose as much as 30lb (or 14 stone to 12 stone, or 90kg to 85kg).

What are the side effects?

The only main problem that some people get is feeling a little nauseous for a few days.  That's it really.

How much does it cost?

Great question and the answer is simple, it's a lot less expensive and more effective than many diets and slimming plans out there.  A standard balloon costs from £3,995 and remember, you could lose up to 15% of your weight.  If you want the newest balloon, Obalon, we can give you a quote straight away, just give us a call.  

All the details are here:  www.theprivatesurgeon.com

Stay tuned for more ways to lose weight with weight loss surgery.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Based on what i've read on placidway site, A major benefit to the gastric balloon is the ability to undergo a weight loss procedure without surgery. It takes 20-30 minutes, and is virtually pain free with little side effects. Patients lose a substantial amount of weight, in addition to consuming smaller portion sizes and learning to eat healthier food choices. Anyone suffering from obesity may benefit from this procedure, as it functions much the same way as gastric banding, though without major surgery.

  3. Yes, there are a lot of good points to the balloon. We do need to remember that it can make you fairly nauseous in the first few days and requires strong anti-sickness medications for that period and often anti-reflux pills whilst in place. Weight loss in trials has been about 10 to 15%, which has good health effects. All weight-loss procedures have different modes of action. As with all temporary procedures, to maintain weight loss after band removal requires permanent changes to lifestyle, diet and activity, which, as we all know, is a challenge...!

  4. Are you really want to loss your weight with in 3 or 4 months I have read your blog for weight loss balloon very nice you can follow ours at :-The dual gastric balloon is something that has risen to all new height and there are many found taking up this process to control body weight. The best thing about the weight loss balloon is that it is recommended by many around the world and it has started grabbing the attention of many individuals looking to control body weight.

  5. Gastric balloon is a non-surgical weight loss treatment. Gastric balloon is inserted orally through your esophagus and placed directly into your stomach. Bariatric surgery is a latest weight loss surgery which is providing in different cities of India. We have an experienced team of bariatic surgeon at Delhi Laparoscopic Surgery Clinic in Delhi Noida.
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